Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

Our company continues to extend our coverage around the country. John Temples has opened an office for us in Michigan. We now have offices in Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas and the Atlanta area along with our newest office in Lansing, Michigan.

I will be traveling later this week as I am speaking to the AWMI Chicago Chapter on Thursday evening (January 16th). You can get more information about the dinner, agenda and tickets from

I will also be attending the AHR Expo in New York City on January 21 & 22. If you would like to meet with me during these two days please shoot me an email:

Last week we were reviewing portions of our new website as we strive to make it easier to understand and more available to our members. We added a video to the historical pricing section of our website. This is a members only section which is located under the Pricing tab and is the first sub-menu called “Price History.” When you are in the Price History section we have a tutorial video which you can access by clicking on the top right hand module which is titled “Video Tutorial.” We hope the tutorial will assist in making your experience with the interactive graphics and tables more productive.

We will be publishing a Premium Supplement for our Premium Level members on Monday of this week. We also have our Power Point presentation of last week’s survey results ready for our Premium Level members. If you would like to change your membership level from Executive to Premium please contact Diana, Brett or myself in our main office: 800-432-3475 or

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update. Please tell your friends about us and have them visit our website: to register for a trial or to become our latest member company.

John Packard, Publisher


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