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China, India, Taiwan, South Korea and Italy: The Numbers

Written by John Packard

Attorney Larry Friedman noted the “hockey stick” graphs when looking at the five countries listed as defendants in the coated steel antidumping petition. We wanted to take a new look at the five countries and the total galvanized and Galvalume shipments made during 2012, 2013 and 2014 and how 2013 and 2014 compared with the previous year.

We first looked at galvanized and found China, India and Korea expanded their volumes exported to the United States in both 2012 and 2013. China tonnage, in particular, stuck out as the increase in 2014 was 216.2 percent higher than the prior year.

Taiwan actually saw their exports of galvanized drop in 2013 vs. 2012 but then 2014 exports of GI rose by 70.1 percent.

Italy, which was a surprise to many traders, was a very small player in 2013 with 48,533 net tons shipped to the United States. However, in 2014 their exports rose by 176 percent.


Galvalume exports were not very large for Italy as they shipped less than 3,000 net tons each of the three years studied.

However, the other four countries saw tonnages move significantly higher in 2014 vs. 2013. Taiwan was up by 61 percent to 427,176 net tons. Korea, which was the one country which exported more “other metallic” material to the U.S. in 2013 than 2012 also exported more again in 2014 (+34 percent). China was down in 2013 and then came back in 2014 (+81.5 percent) and India went from shipping about 5,000 net tons a year to 22,328 tons in 2014 for a 387.6 percent increase.

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