Steel Markets

UAW Issues Strike Notice to FCA

Written by Sandy Williams

The UAW issued a strike notice today to Fiat Chrysler. The notice from UAW Chrysler VP and Director Norwood Jewell gave a deadline of 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, for cancellation of the current hour-by-hour contract extension.

“FCA US confirms that it has received strike notification from the UAW,” said Fiat Chrysler in a statement Tuesday. “The company continues to work with the UAW in a constructive manner to reach a new agreement.

It is unclear yet whether a potential strike would target specific plants or be issued against all of FCA. It could also be a strategy to put pressure on negotiations at FCA.

The notice came five days after workers rejected a four-year contract with FCA.

In UAW update on Oct. 5 to the membership, UAW President Dennis Williams said, “You have spoken and we heard you.” He warned members to beware of outside groups trying to “stir people up.”

 “You, our members need to make decisions based on what’s best for you and your families. No one else has to pay the price of a strike. No one else will lose a paycheck or a home.”

Williams added that committee would continue to bargain and be more forthcoming with details.

“We are also going to tell the whole story. This is a very serious situation. I ask that you get the facts as we continue to address your issues.”

Kristin Dziczek, director of the Labor and Industry Group for the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, said in the Detroit News, “The strike is the ultimate weapon the union has.”


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