Steel Mills

USW Negotiators Resume Talks at ArcelorMittal and ATI

Written by Sandy Williams

USW and ArcelorMittal resumed contract talks this week in Pittsburgh. The negotiating committees first met in June 2015 and USW members have been working under a contract extension since Sept 1.

Mark Glyptis, president of the United Steelworkers Local 2911 in Weirton said he is hopeful that a settlement will be reached soon.

“This has not been a take-it-or-leave-it negotiation,” said Glyptis in a recent interview with The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register. “Both sides have been very creative in our efforts to attain a fair contract while the domestic steel industry is in a down turn. We are working hard to maintain our health care benefits for our active employees as well as our retirees. But our government and the American people need to decide if they want a domestic steel industry.”

In a Dec. 22 update, ArcelorMittal USA reiterated that it did not want a work stoppage:

“We recognize that the ongoing negotiations process creates uncertainty and concern for our employees and stakeholders, and we extend to you our appreciation for your patience and commitment. We remind everyone that we, along with our partners at the United Steelworkers, are committed to reaching a fair agreement without a work stoppage or strike.”

The US Steel bargaining committee reached a tentative agreement on December 19. Union workers are expected to review and vote on the agreement in the coming weeks.

Mike Millsap, USW District 7 director and secretary of the bargaining committee, said the union would continue to work with employers and politicians to address the problem of unfair trade.

“As we move on from a difficult round of bargaining, we look forward to building on this collaborative relationship with the company to address the problems that have led to this crisis,” said Millsap.

At ATI, negotiations have resumed after the National Board of Labor Relations said it would bring unfair labor charges against Allegheny Technologies Inc. for a lockout initiated in August. The sides met with a mediator on Dec. 30 and are scheduled to meet again today and Wednesday in Pittsburgh.

The USW stated in an update to the membership: “The USW is hopeful that the management may now want to find a solution to the problems that they have created through the lock out and the USW will be available as necessary to attempt to reach a settlement which returns our members to their jobs and to reach a fair settlement of our outstanding issues and concerns.”

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