Steel Mills

USW Makes Proposals to ArcelorMittal

Written by Sandy Williams

Contract negotiations continue at ArcelorMittal without any progress reported. In the latest update to union members, the USW said it had made proposals in late January to the company that would “save the company millions of dollars in liability and legacy costs over the course of the contract.”

The USW says it has addressed the “competitive disadvantage” that management has expressed concerns about, without making unnecessary changes to active or retiree health care coverage.

“In addition, rather than accepting the company’s proposals that would only lower the standards of living for tens of thousands of USW members, retirees and our families, our committee has proposed innovative changes to the structure and administration of the existing benefits plans,” wrote the USW in its update. “We will continue to strive for a fair and equitable contract and remain committed to our members and our retirees.

ArcelorMittal reportedly has not yet responded to the USW proposal.

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