
Zekelman Campaign Advocates for U.S. Manufacturing

Written by Tim Triplett

Zekelman Industries has launched a national advertising campaign advocating for increasing the level of manufacturing in the United States. Over the course of September and October, the company estimates its campaign will generate an estimated 315 million impressions, reaching decision-makers and policy influencers outside of the brand’s typical target audience of distributors, contractors, building developers and manufacturers. Zekelman Industries is the largest independent manufacturer of Hollow Structural Sections and steel pipe in North America.

The campaign, called “Life Reinforced,” aims to galvanize Americans inside and outside manufacturing sectors to understand the vital role manufacturing has in the economy and community. Increasing the level of domestic manufacturing and reshoring will help reverse unemployment trends, recreate self-sufficiency and repair communities in need. With localized billboards, online and print advertising in mainstream publications, and radio ads on 2,000 stations across 31 states, the “Life Reinforced” voice engages decision-makers directly with its “Make It Here” message, starting with an eight-page address to America’s C-suite in the September issue of Forbes.

“We can make a difference for people and communities in need. We just have to make it here,” says Zekelman Industries CEO Barry Zekelman. “We built this company and operate our 17 manufacturing locations on the belief that we all bear responsibility to ourselves, each other, our families and our local communities. We know from our own experience and economic studies that manufacturing jobs can lead to five or more additional jobs in the community. To make sure life goes on, even in the most challenging times, that’s what ‘Life Reinforced’ is all about.”

Zekelman practices what he preaches. In the last 24 months, Zekelman Industries has opened four factories in Blytheville, Ark.; Birmingham, Ala.; Killeen, Texas; and Chandler, Ariz., representing more than $300 million in investment and creating more than 400 steel-based manufacturing jobs.

Pointing to job losses in the United States over the past two decades, Zekelman has been an outspoken critic of China and the World Trade Organization, arguing that “America is losing manufacturing jobs due not to advancements in technology but to poor trade deals and unfair trading practices.”

As his ads point out in their call to action, we live in a partisan world, but let’s align on this one thing and all join the conversation on reshoring and renewing American manufacturing.

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