SMU Community Chat

Register for Wednesday's Community Chat with ISM CEO Tom Derry

Written by Michael Cowden

Institute for Supply Management® CEO Tom Derry will join SMU for our next Community Chat on Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 11 a.m. ET (10 a.m. CT). ISM is the first and largest supply management association in the world. Tom will put vexing problems like port congestion in the context of global supply chain trends and economic impacts.

Long Beach might be the poster child for that issue. But Houston faces similar struggles as do ports on the East Coast. When might such problems – and related truck and driver shortages – ease? And what is the interplay between such supply chain snarls and inflation?

Tom Derry ISM CEO Headshot (003)

We’ll also talk about post-pandemic commodity flows and price dynamics. Will steel follow the path of lumber? What is the relation between industrial commodities and consumer goods? Hint: They are interlinked. The question then is, are we all following the same demand/pricing curve – even if not all industries are on the same point in that curve? And just where is steel on that curve

We’ll of course take your questions too.

As always, we’ll keep it to about 45 minutes. You can (virtually) drop in, learn something – and then get on with your day.

You can register here.

By Michael Cowden,

Michael Cowden

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