SMU Community Chat

Tomorrow's SMU Community Chat to Feature Ryerson CEO Eddie Lehner at 10 AM Eastern

Written by Michael Cowden

Ryerson president and CEO Eddie Lehner will be the featured speaker on our next SMU Community Chat.

The webinar is on Wednesday, April 6, at 10 ET (9 am CT). It’s free. You can register here.

Edward J. LehnerWe’ll talk about what’s in store for the second quarter, 2H and looking out into 2023.

We’ll also discuss how to manage extreme price and supply chain volatility in the face of the latest Black Swan, the war in Ukraine.

All of this comes amid record prices for fuel, for labor – for just about everyone and everything. How does a business manage not just inventories but also recruiting and retaining talent in such unprecedented (sorry, the ‘u’ word again) times?

We don’t want this to be all sour grapes. So we’ll also get into some of the cool stuff the industry is doing now: additive manufacturing, automation, machine learning. And how do you change the culture of an organization to embrace cutting-edge technologies?

We’ll take your questions too.

As always, we’ll keep it to about 45 minutes. You can (virtually) drop in, learn something – and then get on with your day.

By Michael Cowden,

Michael Cowden

Read more from Michael Cowden

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