Basic Oxygen Furnace

Steel Market Update monitors the North American integrated steel mills which use a Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) to produce steel from the pig iron produced by their blast furnace(s) and scrap. In addition to their operation status, the table below includes information on plant names, location by city and state, furnace capacity, the number of furnaces, the number of vessels, and if the mill has a vacuum degasser which allows the mill to produce IF or ultra low carbon steels.


Mill City State BOF Capacity (Net Tons) # BF # BOF Vessels Vacum. Degas. Running?
Monclova Monclova Mexico 3,029,000 2 1 w 2 No No


Mill City State BOF Capacity (Net Tons) # BF # BOF Vessels Vacum. Degas. Running?
Algoma Sault Ste. Marie ONT, Canada 4,000,000 2 1 w 2 No No


Mill City State BOF Capacity (Net Tons) # BF # BOF Vessels Vacum. Degas. Running?
Dofasco Hamilton ONT, Canada 3,000,000 3 1 w 1 Yes-1 Yes


Mill City State BOF Capacity (Net Tons) # BF # BOF Vessels Vacum. Degas. Running?
Burns Harbor Burns Harbor IN 5,200,000 2 1 w 3 Yes-1 Yes
Cleveland Cleveland OH 4,590,000 2 2 w 4 Yes-1 Yes
Dearborn Dearborn MI 2,900,000 1 1 w 2 Yes-1 Yes
Indiana Harbor East Chicago IN 8,800,000 5 3 w 6 Yes-2 Yes
Middletown Middletown OH 2,900,000 1 1 w 2 Yes-1 Yes
Riverdale Riverdale IL 1,100,000 0 1 w 2 No Yes


Mill City State BOF Capacity (Net Tons) # BF # BOF Vessels Vacum. Degas. Running?
Lake Erie Works Nanticoke ONT, Canada 2,900,000 1 1 w 2 Yes-1 Yes

U.S. Steel

Mill City State BOF Capacity (Net Tons) # BF # BOF Vessels Vacum. Degas. Running?
Edgar Thomson (Mon Valley) Braddock PA 2,900,000 2 1 w 2 Yes-1 Yes
Gary Works Gary IN 8,200,000 4 2 w 6 Yes-2 Yes
Granite City Granite City IL 2,900,000 2 1 w 2 No Yes
Great Lakes Ecorse MI 3,500,000 3 1 w 2 Yes-1 No
Hamilton Works Hamilton ONT, Canada 2,570,000 1 1 w 3 No No
Total 58,489,000

Last Reviewed: Jan. 24, 2024