Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

We will slowly begin adding plate articles and pricing commentary to our Executive Newsletter as we enter the new year. We believe this is a natural product for us to follow. If you company is a buyer of plate and you would like to help contribute to our knowledge base we would greatly appreciate it. We are looking for buyers of plate who can share market pricing, trends, price increase announcements and major projects which will impact the markets in North America. If you would like to be added as a content provider please contact me at:

Our offices will be open on Monday and Friday of this week (all day). On Tuesday and Thursday we will respond to calls or email requests. We will not publish our Executive Newsletter again until next Sunday evening, December 29th unless market circumstances dictate that we need to inform our members of developments which might impact your businesses.

We have published our latest market analysis for our Premium Level members. I will pen some special notes regarding the survey analysis to our Premium members on Monday of this week.

Steel Market Update is now five and one half years old (legally) although we began publishing SMU back in the craziness surrounding 2004. The newsletter was founded out of a personal need to be able to communicate quickly with my friends and customers. It was founded as a vehicle to try to explain what was happening in the flat rolled steel markets and why. From a single fax page to now our third website (and probably our 5th newsletter adjustment) we have grown.

I am most proud of the fact that Steel Market Update has also been able to add people to our staff both in full time and part time positions. We also have a loyal group of consultants who enjoy adding content and working with our company. Plus we have an excellent group of instructors who assist in a number of workshops and special educational programs which is fulfilling a goal I had to help those within the industry learn more – and hopefully in the process they will get more out of their experience and enjoy the business as I have for almost 37 years.

As we enter this Holiday period it is important that Steel Market Update say thank you to each and every one of our members. The steel business is a people business and we truly appreciate both you and the business that you do with us.

Have a Happy Holiday with friends and family and we wish you and your family a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!


John Packard & the Steel Market Update Team




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