Steel Mills

US Steel Gary Works Furnace Back Online

Written by John Packard

US Steel advised us their number 8 blast furnace at USS Gary Works was “operational” after being down for approximately 3 weeks. We understand from our sources that the furnace came back up late last week.

The #8 blast furnace at Gary Works is the smallest operating furnace at that facility. The furnace is rated by AIST at 3,300 tons of pig iron (not steel) production per day. The furnace originally went down of Sunday, June 1st and was down for approximately three weeks which was the lower end of the range we provided at the time of the original outage.

The original “incident” which took the furnace down was pig iron solidifying in the tuyers (pronounced twears) which blow super heated air into the blast furnace.

We believe all of the furnaces are now up and running at Gary Works and there is just the one furnace at the US Steel Edgar Thompson Works in Braddock, Pa., undergoing maintenance at this time.

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