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May Raw Steel Production Up 4.4 Percent

Written by Brett Linton

The American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI) reported their final raw steel production numbers for the month of May 2014. This estimation is different than the weekly raw steel production as it is based on 75 percent of the domestic mills reporting vs. 50 percent for the weekly estimates.

Total raw steel production for the month of May was reported to be 8,235,715 net tons (NT) with 5,244,192 NT being produced by electric arc furnaces (EAF) and 2,991,523 NT produced by blast furnaces. May raw steel production was reported by the AISI to have been 4.4 percent higher than the previous month.

Total raw steel production in 2014 throughout May is now 39,975,978 NT which is 0.7 percent above that of 2013 through the same time period. The capacity utilization rate for the month of May was reported to be 77.3 percent and 77.0 percent for 2014 YTD. (Source: AISI)

Below is a chart showing the monthly production figures in a 3-month moving average.

Brett Linton

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