Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard handles our flat rolled steel market analysis (surveys) and sends out invitations twice per month. They have made some changes to the way they send out the surveys and the way you access the questionnaire. If you normally get a invitation and have not seen it please check your SPAM folder as it is most likely hidden there. The survey invitations were sent out on Monday at 8 AM ET and then again on Tuesday at 7:30 AM ET. Our next reminder will go out at 8 AM ET on Wednesday morning.

We continue to register more people for our next Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals workshop which will be conducted in Merriville, Indiana just outside of Chicago on May 19 & 20th. What is nice to see is there are a number of returning companies who continue to send their employees to our workshops. This is a true measure that our workshops are hitting their mark. Come find out for yourself. We still have open spots available. You can find out more about our program, instructors, facilities, costs, etc. on our website. The workshop includes a tour of the NLMK Indiana mini-mill. You are also welcome to contact our office with any questions you might have: 800-432-3475 or

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

Latest in Final Thoughts

Final thoughts

Cleveland-Cliffs is seeking $750 per short ton (st) for hot-rolled coil. That’s $20/st above where the steelmaker had been. It’s also $30/st above Nucor, which is at $720/st this week. We've seen prices increase incrementally this week. SMU's HR price, for example, stands at $690/st on average, up $5/st from last week. The questions now are whether a number well above $700/st will stick, whether other mills will follow Cliffs, and whether there is enough demand to support higher prices.