Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

To all of our U.S. readers, welcome back from the Memorial Day Holiday. Each holiday is a big deal to me as this past weekend was one of those rare occasions where I wasn’t writing or studying the market every day and was able to actually take a couple of days off and give my hands a rest. Next holiday is the 4th of July…

At any point in time Steel Market Update (SMU) has up to 200 individuals on a free trial of our newsletter and website. I encourage those on a trial to spend some time on our website. If you need assistance in getting in, needing help in finding something or just want to ask questions about the website and our data, feel free to contact Brett Linton at: and he will do his best to help you.

Recently, a large manufacturing company who is on a trial asked us if we would be available to answer questions. My response is we want to interact with our customers as much as possible. I recently responded to another manufacturing company who submitted a list of questions they and their customers had about the market and I did my best to respond to the best of my ability. If you have a question I can be reached at:

Someone was asking me questions recently about the flat rolled trade cases and the Section 337 filing by US Steel against China. The questions were better asked of an attorney than myself and I provided Lewis Leibowitz’s email address. I also mentioned that one of the advantages of attending our Steel Summit Conference (Atlanta, Aug 29-31, 2016) is having the opportunity to meet and speak directly to many of our speakers. SMU highly encourages our speakers to attend our full conference and I know that attorney Lewis Leibowitz is one that enjoys doing just that. The “free” consulting/networking you are able to receive during the conference is probably worth more than the cost of admission… There is a full conference schedule in tonight’s issue. You can read the speakers’ biographies and learn more on our website: which is also where you can register. If you have any problems please contact my office: 800-432-3475 (772-245-8630).

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

Latest in Final Thoughts