Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

We released our SMU Events App on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday I received a text from one of our registered attendees, “Hey, your app is pretty good John. Is there a quantity discount on additional sign ups?”

First, thank you for the vote of confidence. I thought our App went over pretty well last year (the first year for the App) and we are looking forward to expanding the use of the App – including having a program segment during the conference where everyone will be able to interact with the App and see the results in real time on the conference screens. I firmly believe the App improves the conference experience and allows attendees to take information back to their office that they can interact with for months to come. I personally have used last year’s conference materials which are contained in our App on many occasions to refresh my memory, download presentations (even months after the fact) and to look up attendees. The App also allows attendees the ability to plan their day (and nights) better, make appointments and acquaint themselves with our program and speakers. With it being mobile you can do all of that on your smartphone or tablet anywhere you want.

Regarding our attendees question – yes, there is a discount of $100 per person for companies who register more than one person. I don’t have the exact numbers at my finger tips at this moment but, it seems like the majority of companies attending are sending more than one person. If you would like to add more people the best way to do it (from our accounting perspective) is for you to contact our office: 800-432-3475 or,

I want to welcome Nucor to our list of sponsor companies for this year’s Steel Summit Conference. We will close off adding new sponsors next week as we prepare to go to print on brochures and other items for this year’s event. If your company has any interest in becoming either a sponsor or exhibitor please contact me at:

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

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