Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

I am in Chicago for the start of the CRU North American Steel Conference on Monday. I am looking forward to attending my first CRU hosted conference. Tim Triplett and I will let you know what we learned during the conference in Tuesday’s and Thursday’s issues of Steel Market Update.

I got a note from Steve Painter, one of our Steel 101 instructors and a gentleman with plenty of steel sales experience. In the note, Steve referenced a conversation he had with a service center executive regarding the number of contacts it takes to get a customer to buy. For that matter, from my perspective, the information below could be applicable to the number of times it takes to get the PA on the phone, in this day of voice mail and internet.

  • 80% of all sales are made after the 5th call 
  • 48% of all salespeople call once and quit
  • 25% of all salespeople call twice and quit
  • 10% keep on calling!  
  • This 10% makes 80% of the sales

We continue to have seats available for the next Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals workshop, which will be held in Toledo, Ohio, on Dec. 11 & 12. This is a good opportunity to give that special employee(s) an early holiday bonus, in the form of a paid registration to our acclaimed workshop. We are about 60-70 percent sold, so please inquire with any questions you might have. You can find information at or you can reach out to us at 706-216-2140.

As always, your business is truly appreciated by all of us at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, President & CEO

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