SMU Data and Models

Early February 2014 Steel Market Survey Results

Written by Brett Linton

Steel Market Update conducted our early February flat rolled steel market survey this week. We are pleased to provide our Premium Level members a Power Point presentation on the results which can be access on our website (when logged in) under the Analysis Tab (SMU Survey Results sub-menu). If you are already logged in you can access the survey by clicking here.


Brett Linton

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Some SMU Key Market Indicators improve, others remain near historic lows

SMU’s Key Market Indicators include data on the economy, raw materials, manufacturing, construction, and steel sheet and long products. They offer a snapshot of current sentiment and the near-term expected trajectory of the economy. All told, nine key indicators point lower, 16 are neutral, and 13 point higher. One thing worth noting: The nine indicators pointing lower are all lagging indicators. Many of those pointing upward are leading indicators.