Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

The question steel buyers are going to be asking themselves as this week begins is, will the Trump administration finally announce their findings on Section 232 and will this announcement allow President Trump to move on the duties or quotas expected by the domestic steel mills and many steel buyers?

The question I am asking myself is, what effect will the conversations and decisions made during the G20 meeting have on the Trump administration? Will the president wait and give the G20 the time for the G20 sherpas to file their report at the end of August? Will the president have the patience to let the world’s leaders address the issue or will he try to show them he is serious about addressing the over-capacities in steel?

Either way, I expect this to be another week where it will be hard to get a firm grip on the direction of supply and pricing. Any lack of transparency results in hand-sitting on the part of many steel buyers.

A reminder that we have released our next Steel 101 workshop for those who may be interested in joining us in Ft. Wayne, Indiana in early October. The weather should be wonderful and cool enough to make the tour of the SDI Butler steel mill a real treat. You can learn more about our program, instructors, lodging and meeting space as well as costs to attend on our website. Go to:

With Section 232 hanging over our heads this week should be yet another interesting one for the industry. Stay tuned to see what is going to happen next.

As always, your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

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