Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

It’s the night before the start of our 7th SMU Steel Summit Conference in Atlanta. We are prepared and ready to go, but our thoughts and prayers are with those trapped in Houston and the surrounding communities in Texas. There are a great many people registered for our conference who are coming from the areas hit by flooding and are now unable to make it to Atlanta. We wish them and their families well and we encourage everyone to contribute to the American Red Cross or similar type organization. You can contribute to the Red Cross at

There are not many words left – our conference starts tomorrow. Our team will be busy setting up in both the convention center and the Marriott Gateway Hotel beginning early in the morning.

A special thanks to our team: Ray Culley who has been leading the charge for many months, Brett Linton who is my right-hand man of all trades, Diana Packard and Alison Lalonde who keep track of the money (or lack thereof), Sandy Williams, Tim Triplett and Peter Wright who keep the newsletter going when my focus is elsewhere along with Steve Painter, John Eckstein, Mario Briccetti and Jeff Lalonde who help keep everything organized during the chaos.

A note that Tuesday’s newsletter will be much shorter than normal and will not have our price indices as we will hold off collecting pricing data until the conclusion of our conference. Our prices will be published on Thursday. Thank you for your understanding.

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

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