Steel Products

Trump Tabs DiMicco as Trade Advisor

Written by Tim Triplett

Dan DiMicco, former CEO of Nucor Corp., has been appointed to a four-year term as a member of President Trump’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations, the White House announced in a Dec. 4 release.

DiMicco, who retired from Nucor, is a former trade advisor to the Trump campaign and serves as chairman of the Coalition for a Prosperous America, which claims to be “Washington’s leading organization fighting for a new trade policy to deliver balanced trade, restored health for American industries, broadly shared economic growth and more jobs for American workers.”

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DiMicco was an early Trump supporter, especially on issues of fair trade. As head of Nucor, his was among the loudest voices calling for restrictions on low-priced steel imports from China and other countries.

Commenting on the contentious NAFTA negotiations in a recent Bloomberg article, the former steel executive said, “If we can’t negotiate a deal to make trade more balanced, the only option is to walk away.”

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