Steel Products

SDI Comments on Circumvention Decision

Written by Sandy Williams

Steel Dynamics said it is pleased with Commerce Department’s affirmative determination in the circumvention investigation against flat roll steel from China processed into cold roll and corrosion-resistant steel in Vietnam. In a preliminary ruling, Commerce determined that the processing done by Vietnamese companies to Chinese substrate was not sufficient to change the steel’s country of origin.

“We are very pleased that Secretary Ross is taking steps to aggressively enforce U.S. trade laws,” commented Mark D. Millett, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Stopping the circumvention of enacted trade laws will ensure a level playing field for the domestic steel industry. As the largest non-automotive flat roll steel coater in the U.S., it could be a meaningful positive tailwind for Steel Dynamics.”

Steel Dynamics produces corrosion-resistant steel at its facilities in Indiana, Mississippi and Pennsylvania and was among the group of steelmakers that petitioned Commerce to initiate the investigation.

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