Steel Products

Steel 201: Understanding the Process

Written by John Packard

The next workshop we have scheduled after the SMU Steel Summit Conference is our new Steel 201: Introduction to Advanced High Strength & Other New Steels. This will be a unique workshop in many ways. We will have two tours, one of the Research and Innovation Center (RIC) at AK Steel (which is also where we will be holding the workshop) and the second tour of the AK Steel Middletown steel mill. What is also unusual with the Steel 201 workshop is we will have instructors from AK Steel working in concert with SMU instructors. The goal being for those attending to better understand the process of developing a new part and working with your suppliers to find the right steel (or develop a new steel) to make that part.

Steel 201 is an excellent opportunity to continue your steel education. We have special pricing for our members. Go to and when registering use the discount code: special201. If you have any questions, please contact us at

As always, your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, President & CEO

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