Steel Products Prices North America

Steel Imports Trending Down in September

Written by Brett Linton

With about a week left in the month, U.S. steel imports in September are trending to total about 2 million tons, based on Steel Market Update’s projection of Commerce Department license data.

Total imports in both August and September are significantly below average, primarily because of the surge in semifinished imports in July. Slab imports, notably from Brazil, are subject to quarterly quotas, so domestic mills were quick to secure tons of imported slabs in July, the first month of the third quarter. Licenses for slab imports can be expected to jump again in October as the fourth quarter begins.

Finished steel imports, trending toward about 1.6 million tons in September, are also below the three-month and 12-month averages, which may reflect some of the weakness in demand being reported by steel buyers. Import licenses are flat to down in every product category this month. See the chart below for more detail.


Brett Linton

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