Steel Products

Speaker Profile: Alan Beaulieu--"Light at the End of the Tunnel"

Written by Sandy Williams

Economist Alan Beaulieu, president of ITR Economics, will again be a keynote presenter during the SMU Steel Summit 2020 virtual conference, providing insight on the economy, impact of the pandemic and what we can expect in 2021 and beyond.

With more than 30 years’ experience in economic analysis, Beaulieu has been delivering accurate and straightforward forecasts while proving that economists can have a sense of humor.

In a recent blog for ITR, “Light at the End of the Tunnel,” Beaulieu writes that economic signs as of July are “actually quite good.”  

“One of the things that jumps out at me is that the world, not just the United States, is seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, should trends continue.”

“Jobs seem to be coming back. Freight is moving, which means demand. The world seems to be picking up speed. The one thing we’re waiting for is for the second wave to come or not come, and for retail sales to show some more strength. Are we on the right path? Looks that way. It’s a good beginning to July. Stay tuned. We’ll have more data for you down the road.”

Stay tuned, indeed. Register for the SMU 2020 Steel Summit Virtual Conference here for more economic insights from Beaulieu as well as from a strong lineup of speakers on topics ranging from steel prices to recruiting the next generation of leaders. See you (virtually) on Aug. 24-26.

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