Steel Products

Tune in June 23 for SMU's Community Chat with SSAB Americas President Charles Schmitt
Written by Michael Cowden
May 21, 2021
Don’t forget to tune into SMU’s next Community Chat webinar on Wednesday, June 23, at 11 a.m. ET with SSAB Americas President Charles Schmitt.
SSAB, a Nordic steel company with employees in over 50 countries, claims to be the largest producer and supplier of heavy plate in North America, with a market share of approximately 33% in 2020. SSAB maintains a strong market position in the energy and heavy transport markets. Schmitt is responsible for SSAB America’s mills in Mobile, Ala., and Montpelier, Iowa.
In addition to his observations on the steel plate market, Schmitt will undoubtedly discuss his company’s leadership in the green steel movement. SSAB is working to be the world’s first steel company to deliver iron ore-based fossil-free steel to the market in 2026. This includes an active leadership role in the HYBRIT hydrogen steelmaking joint venture. SSAB’s goal is to be fossil free as a company by 2045.
Schmitt is a graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington with a degree in business administration and finance. Before assuming his current role, he was vice president of the Southern Business Unit of SSAB Americas and prior to that held positions with U.S. Steel Corp.
The 45-minute Community Chat is free and open to SMU members and non-members alike. Click here to register.
To listen to past Community Chats you may have missed, click here.

Michael Cowden
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