Steel Products

SMU Events (Conferences & Workshops) for 2022

Written by John Packard

Steel Market Update will host a number of conferences and steel training workshops during calendar year 2022. Here is a select listing of events which will be held during the 1st Quarter 2022 plus a reminder of the dates for the 2022 SMU Steel Summit Conference which is the largest steel conference of its kind in the Western Hemisphere.

SMU Events for 2022

Next year promises to be an exciting one for SMU as we transition more events to live and in-person and away from the virtual-only programs we have been hosting due to COVID. We will host both live and virtual workshops during 2022 (COVID permitting). The Tampa Steel Conference will be an in-person only event, and most likely the 2022 SMU Steel Summit Conference will be a hybrid event like we did this year.

• Jan. 11 & 12, 2022 – Steel 101 Workshop – Our very popular Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals Workshop will be held virtually on the 11th and 12th of January. You can learn more about the agenda, instructors, and costs to attend by clicking here or by visiting the SMU Training Workshop page:

Feb. 1 & 2, 2022 – Introduction to Steel Hedging (formerly Steel Hedging 101) Our introduction to steel hedging will be conducted virtually. Spencer Johnson of StoneX, the CME Group, and CRU will introduce the concepts of hedging steel price risk. This is another very popular course as we traverse steel price volatility and how to best protect your company, margins, or provide long-term fixed pricing to your customers. You can learn more about the agenda, instructors, and the costs to attend by clicking here or by visiting the SMU Training Workshop page:

Feb. 14, 15 & 16, 2022 – The 33rd Tampa Steel Conference in Tampa, Fla. – Last year we produced this event as a virtual conference with more than 400 steel executives attending. This year we are taking the conference back to the Marriott Water Street Hotel on the waterfront in downtown Tampa, Fla. We will host a cocktail party on the evening of the 14th for the early arrivals planning on attending the traditional Tuesday golf outing. On the afternoon of the 15th the actual conference will begin. There will be a large cocktail/networking party on Tuesday evening and a full day of speakers and panelists on Wednesday, Feb. 16th. You can learn more about the agenda, speakers, costs to attend, and how to register by clicking here or going to the Tampa Steel Conference home page:

April dates TBA – Steel 101: Introduction to Steel Making & Market Fundamentals Workshop – Our intention is to go back to an “in-person” live workshop in conjunction with a domestic steel mill during the month of April 2022. Once we have confirmed the dates and location we will advise.

April 26 & 27, 2022 – Advanced Steel Hedging: Strategies & Execution (formerly called Steel Hedging 201) – This workshop will be held virtually with our instructor Spencer Johnson of StoneX along with representatives from the CME, CRU and a guest instructor who is an active participant within the steel industry. You can learn more about the agenda, costs to attend, and how to register by clicking here, or by going to the SMU Training Workshop home page:

SMU Note: We anticipate during the second half 2022 we will host live steel hedging workshops. We will provide more information about dates and locations once they become available.

•  Aug. 22-24, 2022 – SMU Steel Summit Conference – SMU’s signature event will be held live at the Georgia International Convention Center next to the Atlanta International Airport (ATL). Mark your calendars now and save space within your budgets for what will be the largest gathering of steel industry executives in North America. I will begin working on special speakers (Alan Beaulieu is already committed) and programs soon.

There will be other workshops as the year progresses including new ones not yet announced. I recommend bookmarking the SMU Steel Training Workshops Home Page for your reference:

As always, your business is truly appreciated by all of us associated with Steel Market Update.

John Packard 

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