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Flat Product Imports Surpass Six-Year High in November

Written by David Schollaert

U.S flat products import volumes in November were at their highest level in more than six years, and while import data for December has not yet been finalized, the U.S. likely imported at least 1.2 million metric tons of flat products last month, based on import license data from the Commerce Department.

November’s import volume tipped the scales at 1.394 million metric tons, the highest pandemic-era total, and expanding for the seventh straight month. The figure was nearly 10% above October’s sum and practically three times more than the total imported during the same year-ago period.

November’s volumes were more than double the 631,833 metric tons imported during the pre-pandemic period of November 2019. Year-to-date, U.S. imports of flat products totaled 11.024 million metric tons, more than 50% greater than 2020’s total, and nearly matching the 11.365 million metric tons imported during the same 11-month period in 2018.

FlatProductsImports NOV21 Figure1

By David Schollaert,

David Schollaert

Read more from David Schollaert

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