Steel Products

Not Too Late to Register for Wednesday's Community Chat with SSAB's Johnny Sjöström
Written by Michael Cowden
March 8, 2022
Johnny Sjöström, head of Special Steels for SSAB, will be the featured speaker for the next SMU Community Chat on Wednesday, March 9, at 11 am ET.
Sjöström will speak about SSAB’s Special Steels segment and its place in the broader global steel industry.
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He will also talk about Russian forces invading Ukraine and the impact of that war on global steel supplies.
Sjöström was appointed head of Special Steels in 2018. He joined SSAB from Uddeholm, where he had been CEO since 2014.
As always, we’ll keep it to about 45 minutes. You can (virtually) drop in, learn something – and then get on with your day. And the webinar is free.
We’ll take your questions too. Register here.
By Michael Cowden,

Michael Cowden
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