Trade Cases

ITC to Assess GHG Emissions in Domestic Steel, Aluminum

The US International Trade Commission (ITC) said Wednesday it is conducting a fact-finding investigation to assess the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of steel and aluminum made in the US.

This is in response to a letter sent by US Trade Representative Katherine Tai on June 5 requesting a Section 332 investigation in the midst of ongoing negotiations between the US and EU on a Global Arrangement for carbon emissions in the steel and aluminum industries. 

In a press release, the ITC said it expects to submit its report by Jan. 28, 2025. A public hearing in connection with the investigation will be held on Dec. 7, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. ET.

The ITC noted, as requested, it will provide GHG emissions intensity estimates of steel and aluminum produced in the US by product category and production stage in 2022.  

Recall that the US and EU are trying to hammer out an arrangement by October of this year. If no agreement is reached, the Section 232 tariffs on EU products lifted by the US in October 2021 could be reinstated.  

By Ethan Bernard,

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