Final Thoughts

Final thoughts

Written by Ethan Bernard

Sometimes, a journalist’s life comes with unexpected perks. That is, beyond the day-to-day of writing stories, a wayward email can come across the Inbox with an attractive invite and the promise of free food.

Not to brag or anything, but I have been invited to attend the opening of a cookie establishment, twice. The problem is I’m in Austin, Texas, and Crumbl Cookies is in Stuart, Fla. That’s a long way to travel for a gooey chocolate chip. And it might be hard to justify the expense, especially insofar as finding a steel angle. Hmm… are those baking trays made of aluminum?

In any case, a couple weeks back I found myself the proud email recipient of an invite that was actually in Austin at a swanky hotel for the launch of a networking app. You tap your phone against someone else’s and it exchanges contact info. There’s much more to it, but that’s the gist. It was after business hours, and the traveling time was minimal. I RSVP’d yes. A nagging questioned lingered, though. Had I been invited by mistake?

I downloaded the app, got on my best business casual, and made my way to the event. Mingling with the smart crowd, a lot of tech words were thrown around. I mean, when these people talk mining, they don’t mean for metallurgical coal. Soon, I found myself talking to executives from the company — even the founder. Friendly people, engaging, and excited about their product. Check out NemoMe if you’re curious.

I continued making the rounds. However, when I told people what I did, a kind of glazed, perplexed look came over their faces. I felt like the last buggy-whip maker at the Model T convention. Unfazed, I tried to mingle and enjoyed the guacamole and cheese plate.

“Do they still make steel in America?” one person at the event quipped.

“Yes,” I said, “and they use a lot of computers to do it.”

OK, I said the ‘yes,’ but not the computers part. However, I did mention it was the cleanest steel industry in the world. If at least one person from that event walked away surprised, knowing about the recyclability of steel, then I know I did my part.

We’ll put it out to all of you: What’s the best way to raise the profile of the steel industry?

Also, from all of us here at SMU, we wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!

When you return from the holiday, be sure to join us for SMU’s next Community Chat, which will feature Algoma Steel CEO Michael Garcia on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at 11 a.m. ET. The talk will focus on the current dynamics in the North American sheet and plate markets – as well as some of the particulars of the Canadian market. We will also discuss decarbonization.Click here to register.

Ethan Bernard

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