Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by Brett Linton

Just a quick note to let our Premium level members know that earlier this week we put the latest imports by product, port and country on our website. You can review the data by clicking here.

We received notification from the MSCI that their data will be released on Monday of next week. We will have our Apparent Excess analysis probably on Tuesday. We anticipate that our forecast will be off (we had projected flat rolled shipments at 113,000 tons per day which is probably high).

We will conduct our next flat rolled steel market survey beginning on Monday. When in New York City earlier this week for the Steel Success Strategies meeting one of our Premium customers told me that the survey data was exceptional and we were the only place where that particular client could see something that drills down to the level of active buyers and sellers of steel – the real decision makers.

If you have opinions about our products (good or bad) please let us know.

Survey results should be posted on our website on Friday afternoon of next week.

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

Brett Linton

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