
From the Publisher: Premium Upgrade

Written by Brett Linton

I am asked quite often what the differences are between Premium and your Executive level memberships. Over the next couple of weeks I am going to try point out what Premium receives above and beyond the Executive newsletter and website access.

There are a number of special reports produced by Steel Market Update which Premium members have access to:

 –  Our twice monthly flat rolled steel market analysis Power Point presentation. Each presentation covers a tremendous amount of data which is not necessarily covered in our articles. A good example is service center spot pricing which we feel is important when reviewing whether the market is at a point of capitulation. Our Premium members already have seen the data from this past week while we work to produce an article for tomorrow night’s Executive level issue.
 –  Imports by product, PORT and country. This is an excellent way of figuring out where imports are going and from what countries.
 –  Service center inventories Apparent Excess/Deficit and projections for inventories four months into the future as well as HRC price forecast.
 –  There are many other special reports that we do such as Key Market indicators, Currency values for steel producing nations, a special analysis of imports both long and flat rolled products and much more.

Many of the items are produced in Premium Supplemental newsletter issues. The articles listed below were released to our Premium customers on Friday of this past week.

We currently charge $1995 for one user and $2995 for two for Premium memberships (compared to $995 for one and $1100 for two Executive level memberships).

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about what specifically is in the website dedicated to Premium memberships you can contact our office at: 800-432-3475.

John Packard, Publisher

Brett Linton

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