Trade Cases

Comments Roll In On Hot-Rolled Steel Determination

Written by Sandy Williams

US Steel President and CEO Mario Longhi said he is encouraged by the affirmative determinations in the recent AD/CVD investigations of hot-rolled, cold-rolled and corrosion resistant steels.

Said Longhi in a statement released following the ITC determination on hot-rolled steel:

“It is clear that the International Trade Commission recognized the significance of this case to the domestic industry as demonstrated by its affirmative determination in the hot-rolled steel investigation from Australia, Brazil, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea and the United Kingdom. We are encouraged that we have received affirmative determinations in the vast majority of the three flat-rolled cases we have filed. This decision is yet another positive step towards establishing a level playing field. We know that there is work yet to be done, and we will continue our efforts to ensure fair trade and adherence to the rule of law.”

During the past few months the ITC announced affirmative final injury determinations in the AD/CVD cold-rolled investigation against Brazil, China, India, Japan, South Korea and the United Kingdom. It also unanimously issued affirmative determinations against corrosion-resistant steel imports from China, India, Italy, Korea and Taiwan.

ArcelorMittal USA CEO John Brett said, “ArcelorMittal is pleased with the final decision of the ITC. The efforts of the ITC, the Department of Commerce, our Congressional representatives and others in the U.S. Government to fight unfairly traded imports have been impressive. This is an important win for the steel industry here in the USA, which will help level the playing field and restore balance to the market and our industry.”

Philip K. Bell, President of the Steel Manufacturers Association commented, “This was an extremely important determination due to the tonnage involved and the impact that hot-rolled steel imports have had on the domestic steel industry and its workforce. I am pleased with the ITC’s decision to affirm the vast majority of the duties. I believe these determinations will play an important role in leveling the playing field and restoring balance to the market, especially when combined with other recent trade case decisions.”

The United Steelworkers said the ITC vote on hot-rolled successfully concluded a year-long fight by American steel companies.

“The trade commission final rulings will back-off the river of illegal steel imports,” said USW International President Leo W. Gerard, “but these successful enforcement actions will hopefully return laid-off steelworkers suffering the consequences of slow trade justice at idled mills deeply damaged by imports.”

He declared: “The tens-of-millions of dollars it cost American steelworkers in lost wages by imports will be evaluated between now and election day on how soon it brings production and jobs back in our steel-making communities. Enforcing our trade laws shouldn’t always be the job of injured companies and their workers. Government needs to do more.”

Gerard warned the Administration that the USW will be voting in November on their jobs. “Despite the hard work of the Administration’s negotiators, the G-20 statement this past Labor Day weekend falls far short of what’s really needed. China is the single largest contributor to the glut of steel swamping world markets. China can’t be allowed to again sit at a negotiating table to make commitments they have no intention of fulfilling. More empty promises will only lead to more empty factories.”

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), who has been instrumental in legislation to protect the steel industry, commented:

“Ohio’s steel communities have felt the impact of unfair trade practices that have put their families and neighbors out of work and shut down our steel mills. Today’s decision builds on a series of positive news from ITC that will provide relief for our steel industry. The Leveling the Playing Field Act is working case-by-case to crack down on trade cheats. We need to keep building on its success and enforce our trade laws.”

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