Service Centers

CMC Names New CFO as Lindsey Retires

Written by Sandy Williams

Commercial Metals Company announced the retirement of Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Mary A. Lindsey, effective Aug. 31.

Mary LindseyLindsey joined the company in 2009 as Vice President-Tax, transitioning to Vice President-Tax and Investor Relations in 2015 and Vice President and Chief Financial Officer in January 2016. She was promoted to Senior Vice President in September 2017.

Paul J. Lawrence will assume the role of Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Commercial Metals.

Lawrence joined the company in 2016 as Vice President of Finance He was appointed Vice President of Finance and Treasurer in September 2016 and his role was expanded to include Financial Planning and Analysis in January 2017. Before coming to Commercial Metals, Lawrence worked for U.S. steel producer Gerdau Long Steel North America and Gerdau Ameristeel Corp.

“I want to congratulate Paul Lawrence on his new role,” said President and CEO Barbara Smith. “We are confident, based on his background and experience, Paul will play a key role in CMC’s future success, and we wish to take this opportunity to thank Mary for her valuable contributions to CMC over the past decade.”

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