Steel Products

SMU Steel Summit 2020 - Event Announcement

Written by Brett Linton

As the world faces the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19, and travel restrictions and other factors continue to limit the movement of people, we are pleased to announce that the SMU Steel Summit Conference will go ahead this year – as a virtual conference

This is to ensure the health and well being of all participants, while still delivering high quality information and discussion, and offering an opportunity for you to connect with your peers and do business. The dates remain the same, to coincide with the start of the planning and negotiation season.

The virtual event will be much more than just a series of webinars and will provide a fully immersive experience, with multiple interactive spaces.  As with a live conference experience, you will enter the lobby and from there you can click to enter the conference auditorium, the exhibit hall or the networking lounge. 

The three-day event will be packed with the quality content you have come to expect out of an SMU conference. We will have live sessions, an interactive exhibition, live Q&A and networking rooms across the virtual venue, and you will be able to have conversations with experts, exhibitors and other attendees all within the platform. The program format will be re-imagined so you can attend sessions, explore the exhibition, “meet” your peers and still have time to check in on your day-to-day job.

The cost of the event has been lowered, and there a multiple discounts available for Steel Market Update and CRU subscribing companies, as well as for those who register more than one person for the event (which you will want to do). To find out more please click here.

SMU President & CEO John Packard provides more insights (including pricing) for our first SMU Virtual Steel Summit Conference in tonight’s Final Thoughts.

We will share more details about the virtual event over the coming weeks.

Brett Linton

Read more from Brett Linton

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