SMU Community Chat

Register for Weds Community Chat With FGM CEO Jeremy Flack

Written by Michael Cowden

Flack Global Metals (FGM) founder and CEO Jeremy Flack will be the featured speaker on our next SMU Community Chat on Wednesday, June 1, at 11 am ET.

The webinar is free. You can register here.

Here are just a few of the topics we’ll discuss:

JeremyFlack• Black Swan events and increased volatility are now the normal. What strategies can you use to reduce risks for your business?

• Predictions vs. probabilities, and why you should care about the distinction between the two.

• The forces driving steel prices lower. And why they are still extremely high by historic standards.

• The unintended consequences of Western sanctions on Russia, and how it relates to global steel pricing.

• The move towards carbon neutrality in both the ferrous and non-ferrous markets and what that means for OEMs in our industry today.

• China’s carbon problem driving shifts in global trade flows.

• Changing cost dynamics: Will EAFs become the new high-cost producers domestically?

Flack is in a good position to address these topics because FGM, a flat-rolled metals distributor, has been a leader in bringing the physical steel market and the derivatives markets together within one organization. FGM is also a supply chain manager, an international commodities trader, and a global hedge fund.

Flack himself combines deep knowledge of metals with experience in financial services. He has also long been an outspoken supporter of risk management and hedging. The goal: to bring certainty to an industry well known for its pricing volatility.

He was first introduced to the steel industry while a commercial banker with PNC Bank. His career in the steel industry began in 1998 as a salesperson for a small steel distributor in Cleveland, where he rose to part owner in 2006 and president in 2009. In 2010, Jeremy founded Flack Steel, which became Flack Global Metals in 2016.

As always, we’ll keep it to about 45 minutes. You can drop in, learn something – and then get on with your day.

Also, check out our Community Chat page, if you’d like to see recording of past webinars, including our last one with GMK Center CEO Stanislav Zinchenko on steel and the war in Ukraine.

By Micahel Cowden,


Michael Cowden

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