Steel Products

Commerce Department Updates Welded P&T Duties

Written by Laura Miller

The US Department of Commerce has updated antidumping duties on several welded pipe and tube products, according to Federal Register filings reviewed by SMU.

OCTG from Ukraine

In a review of the period July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, Commerce set a preliminary weighted-average dumping margin of 4.89% for the Interpipe group of companies.

In the prior year’s review, the dumping margin for Interpipe was 1.55%.

Commerce intends to issue the final results of this administrative review by December.

Heavy-Walled Rectangular Welded Carbon Pipe from South Korea

In a review of the one-year period ended August 31, 2022, Commerce preliminarily found that the subject merchandise was not sold by Korea’s Nexteel at less than fair value during that time. The agency has therefore set a 0% dumping rate for that company.

The review was rescinded for Dong-A-Steel Co, SeAH Steel, and HiSteel Co. In the prior year’s review, HiSteel was assigned a 2.8% dumping margin. Imports from that company will continue to be subject to that duty rate. Dong-A-Steel’s margin is still 1.61%, the rate found in the 2019-2020 review. SeAH Steel was most recently assigned a 29.07% margin in the 2017-2018 review.

The final results of this review by Commerce will also be issued by December.

Welded Line Pipe from South Korea

Commerce amended the final dumping rates for the period December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021, due to ministerial errors.

SeAH Steel’s margin was changed rom 4.23% to 4.17%, while the rate for companies not selected for individual review was reduced by 0.03 percentage points to 3.24%. Nexteel’s margin was unchanged at 2.38%.

The all-others rate continues to be 4.38%.

The rates differ from those set in the prior year’s review: 0% for SeAH Steel, and 1.73% for Hyundai Steel and 29 companies not selected for individual review, including Nexteel.

Laura Miller

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