Trade Cases

Mexico Places Duties on Coated Steel from China

Written by Sandy Williams

Mexico is imposing antidumping duties on imports of flat coated steel from China and Taiwan, including flat carbon steel or steel alloy, corrosion resistant steel, and products with a metallic or non-metallic coating, reports the Mexico Ministry of Economic Affairs. The petition was originally filed by Ternium and Tenigal in December 2015 and concluded on June 5, 2017.

Latin American news source BN Americas noted that the coated steel tariffs are the first imposed on steel products by Mexico in 2017. In the past two years, Mexico has issued six new antidumping duties on steel products including hot rolled coil, cold rolled coil, welded pipe, wire rod, pre-stressed steels and ferromanganese high carbon.

Like many other nations, Mexico perceives dumping of unfairly priced imports as threat to its domestic steel sector, particularly imports from China. In April, Mexico extended a 15 percent tariff on more than 90 steel products.

A chart of current AD/CVD duties on imports of steel products to Mexico is available our our website.

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