Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

I was able to pick up a number of sponsors for our Steel Summit Conference. We now have commitments from: Magic Coil Products, Pacesetter Steel, Alliance Steel and Cargill. We thank those who support our efforts to produce quality steel workshops and conferences. Sponsors, such as the ones named above, help us keep our conference affordable. Compare our $1200 full price to that of Steel Success Strategies at $2399.

A quick reminder that we are still working on our early bird rates for the 2015 Steel Summit Conference which takes our $1200 full price down to $1000. Early bird ends on July 1, 2015.

When you add in another $100 per person discount for Steel Market Update member companies you got a heck of a deal for a two day conference with the likes of Dan DiMicco, Alan Beaulieu, Chris Kuehl, Kevin Dempsey, Lewis Leibowitz and many, many more quality speakers/presenters. Registration is open on our website or by contacting our office: 800-432-3475. If you need an invoice we can do that. Want to send cash? We can take that as well.

For those of you in the Chicago area, I will be there mid-week this coming week. I am speaking at a Bank of America dinner on the 17th and both Ray Culley and I will be at the Association of Steel Distributors regional meeting at the Hotel Sofitel on the 18th.

We are getting close to announcing when I will be reporting from the deck of an 1000′ iron ore carrier on the Great Lakes. The plan is for me to travel from Duluth, Minnesota to Indiana Harbor and write/tweet about my experiences aboard the ship. Many thanks to Interlake Steamship Company who will be my host. You will be able to follow my tweets at: SMUsteel on Twitter.

I am trying to think of a good hashtag (#) for my posts coming off the ship. If you have any ideas you can send them to me at:

If you have any questions you would like for me to research while on the ship – send those over to me as well.

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher

Latest in Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

As Wolfe Research’s Timna Tanners put it in her opening talk at Tampa on Monday afternoon, we’re living in a world of “Trumplications” now. That probably means – at least in the short term – higher scrap costs, lower imports from countries hit with or threated tariffs, and higher steel prices. SMU data reflects that. Scrap went up in January. More than 75% of the respondents to our more recent survey expect scrap to go up again February, maybe by a lot. Lead times, meanwhile, have been ticking upward this month. It started with hot-rolled coil and plate earlier this month. Now we’re seeing coated lead times extending too.