Miller on scrap: Pig iron market takes off
The prices for all grades of pig iron have dramatically risen since SMU’s last report from Nov. 18.
The prices for all grades of pig iron have dramatically risen since SMU’s last report from Nov. 18.
Prices of steelmaking raw materials are largely up over the over the last 30 days, as they were the month prior, according to Steel Market Update’s latest analysis.
Turkish scrap import prices increased for a third consecutive week.
European Aluminium, an association representing the entire European aluminum value chain, announced in a press release that it supports the European Commission's proposed 12th package of sanctions against Russia.
The importation of basic pig iron has allowed EAF steelmakers to implement thin-slab casting technology to make drawing-quality flat-rolled sheet over the last 30 years.
Canadian miner Teck Resources has announced the sale of its metallurgical coal business, Elk Valley Resources, with Swiss miner Glencore becoming the majority stakeholder.
The LME aluminum three-month price was unchanged on the morning of Nov. 3 and was seen trading at $2,235 per tonne.
The ferrous export market in the US has experienced several geopolitical events and natural disasters during 2023.
The active rig count for the week ended Oct. 27 inched up in the US but edged down in Canada, according to oilfield services provider Baker Hughes.
With the aluminum industry assembled in Nashville, Tenn., for the Aluminum USA 2023 conference, word was breaking of a tentative deal between the United Auto Workers (UAW) and Ford.
The pig iron trade is an important element to the US steel and foundry industry.
The spread between hot-rolled coil (HRC) and prime scrap prices continued to narrow this month, according to Steel Market Update’s most recent pricing data.
Scrap sources had a mixed outlook for US scrap prices for September.
Over the last month, the iron ore price has shown more weakness as fewer participants in the market maintain a positive outlook based on more stimulus measures in China. Simultaneously, on the supply side, Australia followed seasonal trends with a marginal y/y increase. Recovered Brazilian volumes have also begun to weigh on the market. Supply […]